Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 3 LA mockboard

We had our mockboard for LA this morning. I used McCall, my peer pal, as my patient. She was great and had great anatomy too! I didn't have time to be nervous cuz as soon as I had her seated and placed topical, Dr. Hansen and Instructor Wold were over to watch me. I started with the left IA and did great. I moved on to the right PSA but because I didn't go posterior enough I kept getting oseous contact. I should have backed out and reinserted but instead I just tried to redirect a little without saying anything. I finally gave up and decided to just say at sight of deposition even though I knew I wasn't and at that point Dr. Hansen said to pull out--I failed. But she told me what I had done wrong and that if I had talked my way through it, pulled out and gone more posterior I would have been fine. I was glad they had this mockboard.

Getting Busy Feb. 24

This morning I was trying to finish a patient that Marilyn and I were sharing. She used him as her mockboard last week so he still had 3 quads of class III left to do. Unfortunately I was only able to do 2 quads but that's better than none seeing how I still needed around 22 quads of III's and IV's.
This afternoon I got busy though. I had set up to have my niece and nephew to come in so I could get my 1A's done and then after them I had another class III to start. I was able to get 1 quad finished on him but also did a couple of PE's as well. I should have been wearing roller skates I was moving so fast!

Feb 17 Mockboard

We had our 3rd and final mockboard. I was able to numb him up and get started pretty quick and before I knew it I was done and it had only been like a half hour. I kept feeling and feeling and could not find anything on his teeth. So after another half hour of making sure I had got everything I finally gave up and decided I was done. I sent him over to be checked and Instructor Wold did find 4 areas I missed. 3 were very small but 1 was burnished so I had to get my files out to get it. How did I miss that many spots after feeling for so long???? Marilyn told me to use floss besides the explorer and since she didn't miss anything I'll have to try it! I still passed the mockboard but felt defeated because I shouldn't be missing that many spots!

About Me

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Hello to whomever is reading this! My name is Linda Wood. I have been married to a wonderful man, Bryan, for 18 years now. We have 2 daughters, McKenzie 15, and Ainsley 12. I am currently in the Dental Hygiene program at Weber State University planning on graduating Spring 2011. That is what this blog is all about.